Sunday, April 11, 2010

like that will convince them, betrand.

It's been too long. It's april and it's gorgeous out and I already went outside. I have to tell you about a recent obsession or interest of mine. It has to do with hair.

{top:, then: somewhere on tumblr, then: somewhere on tumblr, then: somewhere on tumblr,then: proenza shouler spring '10, then: proenza schouler spring '10}
yes, I have a specially devised plan to dye the ends of my hair a special colour. I haven't decided the colour yet, but most likely a bright one. Are you as excited as I am?
I've been reading the works of truman capote, breakfast at tiffany's, house of flowers, a christmas memory, etc.
and they're really so magical, I love them so much. My book is really really falling apart though. I need to remind myself to read, I was told there'd be cake by sloane crosley. I need to get around to posting some outfits, seriously. Well, expect one coming up soon.

On a darker note, I saw the movie 2012. It wasn't exceptional, I would rather spend near to 2 hours watching moulin rouge, but I enjoyed the effects.

Okayy well, I have to leave to drop off the cookies I made for my friend.

Au revoir!

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